Marta Kucsora

Patricia Low Contemporary is delighted to present an exhibition of abstract paintings by Hungarian artist Márta Kucsora. Inspired by biological processes taking place deep within nature, Kucsora‘s work, often monumental in scale, is the result of a physical practice that treats painting like choreography. Densely layered, yet completely flat on the surface, Kucsora‘s paintings are an interplay of the macro and the micro, variously calling to mind blown-up views of microscopic matter, or telescopic views of the cosmos. Serpentine vines, the cellular structure of a piece of lichen, and the undertow of a wave, are some of the subjects her work spotlights. Each large-scale painting is minutely planned, sometimes for as long as a year, and executed in a single afternoon’s gestural and brushless “performance”. Though meticulously planned, Kucsora‘s liquid performances allow for, and invite, improvisation and unforeseen accidents, whether chemical reactions in the specific paints and additives which she uses, or complications in the drying process. As much as they are inspired by nature, the paintings are also about time, determined by the pace at which Kucsora works, whether fast or slow. Operating almost at the sensorimotor level, her paintings may be read as a metaphor for creation, and a collaboration between calculation and chance.

Born in Szeged, Hungary, in 1979, Márta Kucsora was educated at Montclair State University, New Jersey and at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Budapest, where she now lives and works. She has exhibited at home and internationally since 2007, including solo shows at the Kunsthalle Budapest and Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Budapest; Postmasters Gallery, New York; and The Concept Space, London. Her works feature in the collections of the Hungarian National Bank, Deji Art Museum in Nanjing, China, 21C Museum, Louisville, Kentucky, and Sammlung Lupa, among others. Budapest Flow is her first exhibition with Patricia Low Contemporary.



2005 – 2006 Montclair State University, New Jersey, US
1997 – 2002 Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary



Monumentalis, Galerie Melbye-Konan, Hamburg, Germany
Questo Caos Del Tempo, Postmasters Roma, Rome, Italy – with So- phie Ko


Budapest Flow, Patricia Low Contemporary, Gstaad, Switzerland
Stretch, Kepes Institute, Eger, Hungary


Inception, Thought Shaping Material, Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary
Metaverse, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary


Super Natural, Postmasters Gallery, New York, New York
An Abstract World, Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich, Germany


all-over, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary


Imprints, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary


Viscosity, The Concept Space, London, UK


Plantagram, Klettgau Galerie, Klettgau-Griessen, Germany


Fluidum, Gallery B55, Budapest, Hungary


Wassersphären, Galerie Ucher, Cologne, Germany
Fluten, Pumpwerk, Siegburg, Germany


Flow Art, Art Factory Gallery, Budapest, Hungary




All that Breathes – Art Yangyun in collaboration with CoBrA Gallery,  Shanghai
Something Woman* This Way Comes – Patricia Low Contemporary, Gstaad, Switzerland
Common Light – CoBrA Gallery, Shanghai, China
Oktatás – Művészet – Hagyomány – REÖK Palace, Szeged, Hungary
Gyermelyi Művésztelep 30/ – Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary
12 Hertz – Lighthouse + Kollab, Curated by Viola Lukacs, Andrea Sztojanovits, Budapest


Organic, As Time Awakens, DEJI Art Museum, Shanghai, China
Design Miami, CoBrA Gallery, Shanghai, China
Art and Antique, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary


Art and Antique, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
BRAFA in the Galleries, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium
Art and Antique, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary


Artonomy, Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary
BRAFA Art Fair, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium
Art and Antique, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary


BRAFA Art Fair, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Brussels, Hungary
Antik and Art, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Art Karlsruhe, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Germany


Rendition, The Concept Space, London, United Kingdom
Art Paris Art Fair, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Grand Palais, Paris, France
BRAFA Art Fair, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium


Masterpiece Fair, Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, London, United Kingdom


ART Innsbruck, Alludo Room Gallery, Austria
Affordable Art Fair, Alludo Room Gallery, Milan, Italy


Blue: Matter, Mood and Melancholy, 21c Museum, Bentonville, Arizona, US
Here and Now, Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary
Viennafair, Budapest Art Factory, Vienna, Austria
Art Market Budapest, Galerie Martin Mertens, Budapest, Hungary


Plantagram, Klettgau Galerie, Klettgau-Griessen, Germany
Surrealität, Galerie Reichlin, Küssnacht am Rigi, Switzerland
Blue: Matter, Mood and Melancholy, 21 C Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio, US


Wasserwelten, Galerie Reichlin, Küssnacht am Rigi, Switzerland
Art Market Budapest, Erdész Galéria, Budapest, Hungary


Blue: Matter, Mood and Melancholy, 21 C Museum, Luisville, Kentucky, US
Day of Painting, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest, Hungary


Naturaleza y Asfalto, Galeria Urbana, Las Águilas, Mexico
Résumé, 20 Jahre Galerie Ucher, Galerie Ucher, Cologne, Germany


Eleven, Kunsthalle Szombathely, Hungary
Bridge Art Fair, Art Factory Gallery, Miami Beach, Florida, US
Budapest Art Fair, Art Factory Gallery, Hungary


Time of painting, tradition reinterpreted, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Direct Pictures, Ernst Museum, Budapest, Hungary


MNB Collection (Hungarian National Bank) Deji Art Museum, Nanjing, China
21C Museum, Louisville, KY, US
Ruhrverband, Essen, Germany
Erftverband, Bergheim, Germany
Wasserverband Eifel-Rur, Düren, Germany
Sammlung Lupa, Germany



Márta Kucsora, (ISBN 978-89441-8-4) Kálmán Makláry Fine Arts, 2021, Budapest
Personal, Fresh (ISBN 978-615-5695-45-2) Kunsthalle Budapest / Műcsarnok, 2021, Budapest
Artonomy (ISBN 978-615-5695-31-5) Kunsthalle Budapest / Műcsarnok, 2007, Budapest
Time of Painting, 2007, (ISBN 978-963-7432-95-8) National Gallery / Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, 2007, Budapest
Direct Pictures (ISBN 978-963-7032-34-9) Ernst Museum, 2007, Budapest
Kahan Art Space, Dr. Éva Kahan Foundation, 2019, Budapest
Marta Kucsora, Galerie Melbye-Konan, 2023, Hamburg



Népszava, Dénes P. Szabó: Megtölteni a teret (149/20. January 25, 2022)
Figyelő, Hajni Szigeti: Kucsora Márta (LXV/10, March 10-16, 2022)
Magyar Krónika, Anita Farkas: Monumentális Kijelentések (December 2021 / January 2022, No. 91-92., ISSN 20647409)
Népszava, Dénes P. Szabó: Megtölteni a teret (149/20. January 25, 2022)
Újművészet, Judit Jankó: Az anyagot formáló gondolat (2021/12 December, ISSN 0866-2185)
Fidelio, Kata Gyürke: Aki csak játszik az anyaggal (2022. January, ISNN 2062-2902)
Népszava, Gábor Tölgyesi: Csoda pandémia idején (148/89. April 19, 2021)
Világgazdaság, Judit Jankó: Amerika után Kínában kalandozik Kucsora Márta (March 8, 2021)
ÉS Élet és Irodalom, Péter György: François Fiedler 100 (LXV/6., February 12, 2021)
Világgazdaság, Judit Jankó: A lockdown után is marad a bizonytalanság (January 11, 2021)
Világgazdaság, Judit Jankó: Egy talpalatnyi kortárs Angyalföldön (August 24, 2020)
Újművészet, Judit Jankó: Lehetőséget adni a véletlennek (2020/7-8, July, August, 2020 ISSN 0866-2185)
Roadster, Ariel Provaznik: Művésznegyedek a rozsdaövezetekben (2020/1. HU ISSN 26767961)
Népszava, Gábor Tölgyesi: Nem kazánkovácsok, hanem festők (January 18, 2020)
Magyar Nemzet, Gábor Tölgyesi: Az autófényező pisztoly és a festmény szeme (June 20, 2017)
The Budapest Times, Evelin Pál: In light of a dream (XIV/36., Sept 9-15, 2016.)
ÉS Élet és Irodalom, Julianna P. Szűcs: Lakosságcsere a képzőművészetben (LIX/27., July 3., 2015)
Whitewall Contemporary Art and Lifestyle Magazin, Laura von Straaten: Is Budapest the new Berlin? (Issue 38 – Summer 2015)
Forbes, Mirjam Donath: Es az önbecsülésünknek is (April 2023, ISSN 2064-2954)
Magyar Krónika, Anita Farkas: Monumentális Kijelentések (2021-2022. December / January, No. 91-92., ISSN 2064-7409)


Kultúra.Hu, Magdolna Györgyei Szabó: Interjú Kucsora Mártával (December 22, 2021)
Forbes, László Bagi: Menő New York-i galériában volt kiállítása, Amerikában is befuthat a magyar festőművész (May 5, 2021)
Roadster, Ariel Provaznik: Eljutni arra a pontra, amikor felkerülsz a térképre (April 26, 2021)
Nowudapest, Zoltán: Lockdown Art Stories: Budapest Art Factory (April 2, 2020)
Culture Trip, Alex Mackintosh: Artist Márta Kucsora Talks Hungarian Art and Where To See It in Budapest (November 20, 2019)
Culture Trip, Alex Mackintosh: An Art Lover’s Guide To Budapest (March 7, 2017)
CEEL Central and Eastern European London Review, Anett Gecov: Splashing into Viscosity (March 5, 2017)
Forbes China:ART Yangyun -All that Breathes, Art Exhibition Opens in Shanghai, Prompting Thoughts on the Relationship between Nature and Humanity (May 6, 2024)
CM Sound Field: Responding to the times, responding to the things,  All that Breathes: a naturally growing art collection, Shanghai  (May 16, 2024)
The Paper, Lu Yi: Art Illuminates Real Estate, ART Yangyun –  All that Breathes Art Exhibition Opens in Shanghai, (May 7, 2024)
NetEase: Art Illuminates Real Estate, ART Yangyun – Shanghai (May 7, 2024)
Sina Finance:Art Illuminates Real Estate, ART Yangyun – Shanghai (May 7, 2024)
Business News Network:ART Yangyun – All that Breathes, Shanghai(May 6, 2024)
HVG, Mercedesz Nagy: Régen hidroplánokat és turbinákat gyártottak a főváros egyik legkülönösebb kiállítási terében, Budapest Art Factoryben (February 15, 2024)
Országút, Márta Kucsora: A láthatatlant kereső festészet (January 7, 2024)
AATONAU, Ewan Shah: Marta Kucsora: Navigating Vast Canvasses, Coverging Realities (December 11, 2023)
The Dreaming Machine, Camilla Boemio: Monumentalis. An aesthetical alchemist (December 2, 2023)
Shoutout LA, Meet Marta Kucsora, An Interview with the Artist (October 16, 2023)
INDEX, András Gáll: Weiss Manfréd hidroplángyárában állítanak ki New York különc festői (December 10, 2023)
Papageno, Alexandra Ivanoff: A tour of the Budapest Art Factory: a dynamic community (December 15, 2023)
Magyar Nemzet, Gabriella Petrovics: Mit nevezhetünk divatnak a média és a környezetvédelem éveiben? (November 1, 2023)
Átlátszó.hu, Katalin Erdélyi: Egy év szünet után ismét festményeket akar venni a Nemzeti Bank cége (April 3, 2023), Katica Kocsis: Repülőgépgyár volt, alkotóház lett (December 8, 2023)
Art Vibes, Sophie Ko, Márta Kucsora – Questo Caos Del Tempo (April 16, 2023)
Országút, Judit Jankó: Léptékben nagyot álmodni (February 28, 2023)

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