Alighiero Boetti, Agostino Bonalumi, Lucio Fontana, Ivan Picelj, Heinz Mack, Gianfranco Pardi, Otto Piene, Paolo Scheggi, Jesus Rafael Soto, Gunther Uecker

Che Fare

February 1th –
February 12th, 2017
  • Heinz Mack
    Dynamische struktur in Schwartz,1962
    Synthetic resin on nettle
    129.5 x 170 cm
  • Heinz Mack
    Erzengel Michael and Gabriel,1972
    Aluminium, Acrylic glass and stainless steel
    181.4 x 141.6 x 20.8 cm
  • Gianfranco Pardi
    Acrylics, aluminium and cables on canvas
    150 x 150 cm
  • Otto Piene
    Paint and soot on canvas
    100 x 100 cm
  • Paolo Scheggi
    lntersuperficie curva (yellow),1970
    Yellow acrylic on three superimposed canvases
    100 x 100 x 6 cm
  • Paolo Scheggi
    Zone riflesse nero,1963
    Black acrylic on three superimposed canvases
    50 x 70 x 6 cm
  • Paolo Scheggi
    Zone riflesse,1962
    Red acrylic on three superimposed canvases
    40 x 60 x 5 cm
  • Jesus Rafael Soto
    Púrpura y plata,1969
    Acrylic on aluminium and wood
    151 x 101.6 cm
  • Gunther Uecker
    Acrylic and nails on canvas
    100 x 100 cm
  • Ivan Picelj
    Surface XXX,1963
    Wooden panel
    100 x 100 x 3 cm
  • Alighiero Boetti
    Immagine e somiglianze,1976
    Blue ball point pen on papier laid on canvas
    100 x 210 cm
  • Agostino Bonalumi
    5 x 93 x 63 cm
  • Agostino Bonalumi
    Shaped canvas and vinyl tempera
    125 x 154.4 cm
  • Lucio Fontana
    Concetto spaziale (Attesa),1966
    Water-based paint on canvas
    62 x 55 cm
  • Lucio Fontana
    Concetto spaziale,1965
    Red water-based paint on canvas and dark red lacquered wooden frame
    130 x 130 cm

Vision, utopia, commitment, action, involvement; new materials – industrial, plastic and recycled – were taking over traditional painting and sculpture; the extension of the work in space, moving towards the fourth dimension and the analysis of the relationship between perception and image formation, kinetic, action and reaction, calling on the public to become active participant of the work…


These are the main themes introduced and explored by artists that, between the late 50s and the early 70s, founded a real international movement, mainly represented by Group Zero (founded in Dusseldorf in 1958, from the vision of Heinz Mack, Otto Piene, Günter Uecker), New Tendencies (started in Zagreb in 1961), and other important work centers and research groups across Europe, which not only reached the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, Switzerland and Italy, but also the United States and Japan.

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